Technological Progress in Food Processing <p><strong>Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego / Technological Progress in Food Processing</strong> (ISSN 2719-3691 online) is semi-annual journal published by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Press. The published articles are available under the terms of the principles of Open Access Creative Commons CC BY-NC license. It means that for non-commercial purposes available materials may be copied, printed and distributed.</p> <p> </p> Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie en-US Technological Progress in Food Processing 2719-3691 A sustainable approach to new generation food thickeners: apple fibre in meat and vegetable burgers <p>At the 8th Environment Action Programme, the EU agreed on an environmental policy up to<br />2030 with a zero-emission ambition. The food production sector is credited with a significant impact on<br />environmental pollution: e.g. agriculture accounts for 70% of global freshwater use. Therefore, it is extremely<br />important to promote technological solutions that reduce the negative impact of food production to an absolute<br />minimum. A perfect example of a sustainable approach is a patented method that uses extrusion to produce<br />functional food fibres that act as food thickeners. The possibilities of using the apple fibre preparation (Lutkala<br />Multifunctional) are wide. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of apple fibre preparation on selected<br />physical properties of beef, pork, and vegetable pea protein burgers. The following methods were used:<br />the gravimetric method to calculate weight loss and shape stability during heat treatment, texture profiling<br />according to Texturometer TA.XT2, and colour measurement. The use of Lutkala in meat and vegetable<br />burgers gives a number of benefits: technological (reduced water loss during thermal processing), organoleptic<br />(obtaining a more delicate consistency), health (increased fibre content and reduced calories), and also gives<br />the advantage of a clean label product and has a positive impact on the environment. The addition of apple<br />fibre preparation reduced the hardness of beef burgers, making them more tender, while the plant-based<br />substitute had the lowest cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness. The inclusion of apple fibre preparation<br />in the formulation composition of burgers significantly differentiated the surface colour parameters of the<br />products. Based on the results obtained, it has been determined that the inclusion of Lutkala Multifunctional<br />in the burger mixture, as per the prescribed recipe composition, should not surpass a maximum limit of 1.5%.<br />The use of apple fibre preparation in burgers is an excellent example of the benefits of using next-generation<br />sustainable hydrocolloids in the food industry.</p> Agata Adamska Aleksandra Izabela Wielguszewska Copyright (c) 2023 Technological Progress in Food Processing 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 1 7 10.22630/tpfp.2023.1.5046 The role of hand peeling and plant ingredients in controlling microbial contamination during refrigerated storage of Litopenaeus vannamei <p>Fresh shrimp are highly perishable, so in addition to chemical and physical methods, natural<br />preservation methods are also applied to prolong their shelf life. A trial was carried out to assess the efficacy<br />of hand peeling and the addition of garlic (Allium sativum) and chilli pepper (Capsicum annum) as natural<br />conserving agents in the control of microbiological contamination in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp during<br />cold storage. The highest level of Staphylococcus aureus was found after 5 days of storage in unpeeled shrimps<br />without additives (3.32 log cfu·g–1 = colony forming units per gram). There was a statistically significant effect<br />(p &lt; 0.05) of all the factors tested, that is, the day of testing, the preparation method and the additive used on<br />the average number of S. aureus in shrimp. The average number of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the garliconly<br />and garlic and chilli samples was very similar, at 2.30 and 2.38 log cfu·g–1, respectively. The highest<br />average number of psychrotrophs was recorded in samples with garlic and chilli: 4.41–5.65 log cfu·g–1,<br />5 days after purchase. The addition of plant additives used in this work inhibits the fungi in peeled shrimp.<br />The composition of the ingredients used does not provide complete protection against spoilage, but to a greater<br />extent, it improves the shelf life of the hand-peeled shrimp.</p> Anita Kukułowicz Copyright (c) 2023 Technological Progress in Food Processing 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 8 17 10.22630/tpfp.2023.1.5196 Polish Consumers’ Perception of Plant-Based Alternatives <p>The study aimed to diagnose to what extent consumers know and consume plant-based alternatives<br />and how they perceive them. The study was carried out on a nationwide sample of adult Poles (N = 1003)<br />between June and September 2023. The CAWI method was used to collect data (Computer Assisted Web<br />Interview). The results of our research indicate that the main association for meat alternatives was “soy<br />products”, while for milk alternatives, it was “plant-based drinks”. At the same time, the analysis of the results<br />of our research has shown that meat and milk alternatives belong to a group of products that can be considered<br />rather unrecognizable by Polish consumers and have less positive associations. Among the recommendations<br />for producers and processors of this category of food, it is worth pointing out that – along with the growing<br />offer of alternatives – multi-channel communication with consumers should be used. This communication<br />should be addressed in two ways: (1) to all consumers to interest them in this category of products and (2) to<br />potential customers who know or are intentionally looking for meat and milk alternatives.</p> Marta Sajdakowska Jerzy Gębski Marzena Jeżewska-Zychowicz Krystyna Gutkowska Małgorzata Kosicka-Gębska Copyright (c) 2023 Technological Progress in Food Processing 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 18 26 10.22630/tpfp.2023.1.9211 Analysis of factors influencing initiation and continuation of breastfeeding in a group of Polish mothers <p>Recommendations for healthy infant nutrition emphasise exclusive breastfeeding during the first<br />6 months of an infant’s life. The report “Breastfeeding in Poland” showed that 98% of newborns were fed with<br />their mother’s milk in the first days of life. Unfortunately, later on, the percentage decreased significantly to as<br />low as 46% in the 6th week of the infant’s life.<br />The study was aimed at identifying factors which favoured the commencement and continuation of<br />breastfeeding in a selected group of women. The survey was conducted in 2017–2022. The data were acquired<br />during face-to-face interviews and by sharing a relevant questionnaire on social media. Complete data sets<br />were obtained from 754 women with children aged 0.5–3 years. The study found 98% of the women to have<br />made an attempt to breastfeed their babies. The factors conducive to breastfeeding were: the mother’s age<br />of &gt;19 years, having older children, and natural childbirth at term. On the other hand, the factors conducive<br />to the continuation of breastfeeding in the sixth month of a child’s life were: the mother’s age of &gt;26 years,<br />a good financial situation, the mother’s poorer education, having older children, natural childbirth at term,<br />breastfeeding starting no later than the first day after birth, and lactation guidance. In the study group, lactation<br />counselling resulted in breastfeeding being continued throughout the first six months of a child’s life. The<br />counselling should especially target women who are younger (&lt;26 years), better educated, experiencing a poor<br />financial situation, giving birth to their first child, and delivering prematurely by caesarean section.</p> Joanna Sadowska Sara Augustynowicz Copyright (c) 2023 Technological Progress in Food Processing 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 27 36 10.22630/tpfp.2023.1.5185 Consumption of selected foods by adolescents in Gdynia as determinants of health behaviour: a pilot study <p>The aim of the study was to assess the dietary habits of adolescents aged 15–18 years, including the<br />frequency of consumption of products that are an important source of dietary fibre, saturated fatty acids and<br />products containing nutrients recommended for the prevention of depression, as well as the self-assessment<br />of the study group regarding the frequency of symptoms characteristic of depression, including depression<br />and/or irritability and the ability to concentrate. Purposive group selection was used. The empirical study was<br />conducted in 2022 in a group of adolescents (n = 242) attending secondary schools in Gdynia. Three aspects of<br />dietary behaviour were assessed using the food frequency questionnaire method: 1. Consumption of products<br />that are important sources of dietary fibre; 2. Consumption of products high in saturated fats or important<br />sources of dietary fat; 3. Consumption of selected foods containing nutrients recommended for the prevention<br />of depression. The study results presented are limited by the small sample size and scope of the study. However,<br />the analysis of the consumption of selected food groups by the respondents showed that gender, BMI, and<br />dietary habits have an impact on the type of selected foods consumed by adolescents and, therefore, on the<br />satisfaction of individual nutrient requirements and the occurrence of symptoms characteristic of depression:<br />depression and/or irritability. It is useful and legitimate to carry out research on the nutritional behaviour of<br />adolescents, since there is an established need to take action in the field of health and to pay more attention to<br />the mental and physical state of adolescents and their parents (families).</p> Anna Mikulec Anna Platta Agnieszka Żukowska Copyright (c) 2023 Technological Progress in Food Processing 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 1 37 49 10.22630/tpfp.2023.1.5051