Analysis of factors influencing initiation and continuation of breastfeeding in a group of Polish mothers

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Sara Augustynowicz

Keywords : breastfeeding, breastfeeding duration, socio-demographic factors, perinatal factors

Recommendations for healthy infant nutrition emphasise exclusive breastfeeding during the first
6 months of an infant’s life. The report “Breastfeeding in Poland” showed that 98% of newborns were fed with
their mother’s milk in the first days of life. Unfortunately, later on, the percentage decreased significantly to as
low as 46% in the 6th week of the infant’s life.
The study was aimed at identifying factors which favoured the commencement and continuation of
breastfeeding in a selected group of women. The survey was conducted in 2017–2022. The data were acquired
during face-to-face interviews and by sharing a relevant questionnaire on social media. Complete data sets
were obtained from 754 women with children aged 0.5–3 years. The study found 98% of the women to have
made an attempt to breastfeed their babies. The factors conducive to breastfeeding were: the mother’s age
of >19 years, having older children, and natural childbirth at term. On the other hand, the factors conducive
to the continuation of breastfeeding in the sixth month of a child’s life were: the mother’s age of >26 years,
a good financial situation, the mother’s poorer education, having older children, natural childbirth at term,
breastfeeding starting no later than the first day after birth, and lactation guidance. In the study group, lactation
counselling resulted in breastfeeding being continued throughout the first six months of a child’s life. The
counselling should especially target women who are younger (<26 years), better educated, experiencing a poor
financial situation, giving birth to their first child, and delivering prematurely by caesarean section.

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How to Cite
Sadowska, J., & Augustynowicz, S. (2023). Analysis of factors influencing initiation and continuation of breastfeeding in a group of Polish mothers. Technological Progress in Food Processing, (1), 27–36.
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